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Saturday, July 17, 2010


Benn using T since awhile but still
there are not that much of people following me ?
So I decided to type a short post just to


hell, I miss
my first hun , Ng Jiayng the pink queen .
my babies -
TanChuXuan, the girlish girl !
TeohPeiYi , the bball pro , 'zat' queen ! and also the silent queen !
GraceNgTzeHuey, the Singapore who I hardly ever talk to and gossip to?
SawJingWei, ah sam, the pink aunty and also the relationship - ing .
AshleyHong, the branded queen .<3>
and TeeJerVenn, the boyish one but still the smart one.
my wifey, ThangYiJing (speechless about her) ;X
last but not least
my bitchiest BITCH, FooXueSze
- the bitchiest and the listener but we HARDLY EVER say hi nowadays .

'miss' to be continued .


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