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Saturday, August 28, 2010

perhaps lonely is not a bad thing.

She is the new singer,
She sings for 10 years and now she's the new singer.
Kinda weird isn't it?
I'm not wrong but right..
She's in a group named, S.H.E
and now she's a new singer,田馥甄

Here's her new song.

click play and you will realize, being alone is not a bad thing but a good thing. ;)
Sometimes, human wants to be accompanied just because they are alone
but now I've realized human doesn't have to be companied
yet you will still happy to live your life.


還是原來那個我 不過流掉幾公升淚所以變瘦
對著鏡子我承諾 遲早我會換這張臉 一堆笑容

不算什麼 愛錯就愛錯
早點認錯 早一點解脫

我 寂寞寂寞就好
這時候誰都別來安慰 擁抱
傷到 快瘋掉 死不了就還好

我 寂寞寂寞就好
你真的不用來我回憶里 微笑
我就不相信我會笨到 忘不了
賴著 不放掉 人本來就寂寞的
還是原來那個你 是我自己做夢你又改變什麼

再多的愛也沒有 每個人有每個人的業障因果
會有什麼 什麼都沒有 早點看破 才看得見以後

這時候誰都別來安慰 擁抱
傷到 快瘋掉 死不了就還好

你真的不用來我回憶裡 微笑
我就不相信我會笨到 忘不了
賴著 不放掉 人本來就寂寞的

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