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Friday, August 27, 2010

He's the man .

I fall for a guy named, Jack.
He's tall, skinny and has a fair skin. (yes, is real fair!)
He likes to smile with showing his pretty teeth out. He got no eyes but still I love him, he's the man I love for no reason. People said he looks creepy or should be say as the evil look! His usual appearance is dressed in a black pin-striped suit and a little bow tie . He's got a dog and it is in white, it always carry a orange thingy on his nose which glow . Anyway, Jack falls for a girl who I'm jealous of.. She has a pretty body and a red hair, she never get hurt from anything even she knows the fact. She just like a rag doll. He does sing and I fall for his voice so much not that heavy not the soft but warmth . ;)

By the way, he is only one year older than me, 1993. He's cute, tall and sweet! When he smiles I just fall into him and I just don't know what reaction I should show back to him. He's got some kind of magic which can defeat some boogie guy..
ain't he's cute? ;X

oppsy, did I mention his last time?
It is Skellington, I know is a but weird but the whole name of his is Jack Skellington.
It is cool tho..
He can be emotional at anytime he wants.

He's not evil but friendly and be kind to all children who excited for Christmas.

when the feel is swinging around.

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