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Sunday, August 15, 2010

like or unlike is your own choice.

She was a genius of sadness, immersing herself in it, separating its numerous strands, appreciating its subtle nuances. She was a prism through which sadness could be divided into its infinite spectrum.

Something she wishes that she doesn't wanna think about has finally passed through her mind within these two days. She heard people say that dream high and reach for it, do dream high so you can reach it, they are made out of real things. She always tells herself that you are just a memory and nothing else but when the time he talks to her the memory just come back so as the feeling.

Honestly, she cried today just because of the teens problems which is friends, love but not family for her. She loves her family but sometimes she just thinks her parent is unfair . For friends are kinda weird, sometimes they treat her in a real good way and she loves them but sometimes they can just ignore her and leave her alone in the corner. Well, she know people doesn't have the responsible to miss you or always care about her but she just wonder why? Besides that, the only is love. The 'l' is just a lie, the'o' is just an opportunity, the 'v' is just in the vein and the 'e' is just expectation. In her perception, things change as usual, friends leave and life doesn't stop for anybody.

The people around her just take her feelings as a joke and they never know how much it fuckin' hurts . However, she found a place to talk to and a place to cry at. Place to talk is the deck of her house and a place to cry is in the bathroom . The transparent liquid will washed out your tears and get into your body and tell you is a new start for today or even a new hour . ;)

A sign like ";)" doesn't mean he/she is happy or even not angry anymore . He/she just doesn't wants you to worry too much about her/him. (that's her opinion.)


Breaking news, for this current nerdy genius has conformed when is she going back to her sweet country, Malaysia and when is she coming back from Malaysia to this boring green place, New Zealand. For more information leave a message in the the right side's chatbox or pm me. ;)

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