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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Enjoy the little things .

Let's see what date is today ? 14th of March ? anyone birth on today ? in 1994 ?
questions is turning round and round in my head ! gosh !!! i cant remember is who . Let's refresh your mind and see ... in 2010 , 1401 is for TCW , 0402 is for hubby PhangSaikHoe , 1802 is for CarmenPang , 1902 is for TKH , 2702 is for TeeJerVenn and now is HER turns . =D
her ? which her ? Oh i remember !!! Is my Honey ! My first and be loved honey .... what's the name ? er .....

Ng JiaynG !

'ofcz , i remember my first honey's name .'

Let's scroll down and see what i have did to you .
you might not be that surprise i think so .





















Almost reach ...

you made it !

You've reached a world with words .
Miss.Ng , although JessieTan don't know you that much but she do remember your birthday and also she wrote these to you .
with her lips on .

Are you happy yet Miss.Ng ?


This is the one JessieTan wrote without the 'hun' word ,
Sorry about that . =X

Maybe the next one you will be having a tick beside it !

Finally JessieTan wrote it in properly with a big smile there !
hahaha .

I'm sure this is not that enough for you but .....
I need to show you this .
CarmenTan ; please ignore her finger !
'this is the little things that happened while I'm doing these for Miss.Ng .'

Don't give up scroll down !!!!!

This is JessieTan wishing her hun with a big smile but
pimple is on her face so she didn't show her teeth !
Sorry about that !

There are MORE !
scroll !!!

oppsy ! JessieTan just did something wrong !
this picture is more normal to others .

Scroll hun , scroll !!!!!!!!

this is the word she(JessieTan) want to call you face to face !
HUN !!!!

scroll !!!!

the last sentences she wants to make is just a simple wish !

Happy Birthday NgJiaYng !

the only hun for JessieTan .

what I plan doesn't work but I think i can make it next time .
Sorry and I love you !


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