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Monday, May 24, 2010

Used to ask but not nowadays .

I asked but I think it's not the time .

It's Monday the 6th week of second term which mean 5 weeks left until mid-term holiday ! Say hey at first and say booo !!! Sometimes I just wish that I fly where ever I wanted to but wish couldn't be true sometimes . I knocked some people's wall in fb yesterday I was wishing they would reply immediately but at that time I think I was dreaming (dont ever expect too much) and yet I started to sent 'knock knock !' to some of them today again ! I was too free but knock mean something to me , just like a stranger wanted to know more about people's although I don't know he/she well enough . It's kinda strange when you see I knocked so many people's wall but please reply ! =D

When I was in fb only J-sern was there . Although I wasn't close to him last time (in sm) but I think we're kinda close friends now just 'cause talking crap and being RETARDED enough in the web . I always wonder who else are free enough to be retarded and spam the 'NewsFeed' . Last few days being retarded with me was Gin but they are having exam so no one will willing to be retard with me . Been awhile I wanted to me retard or even a bastard just to being mean and evil to people without thinking . I know I'm mean !

I enjoyed today's Science class 'cause the girl who sit beside me and the boy are being so hyper just to asking me questions and being retard ! (I wonder would you count how many tomes did I mention ' retard ' ?) Account class it's kinda bored just 'cause of the whether and the teacher . Besides that , Geog and Maths are totally BORING !!! What I learnt in Maths class it's how to make sentences about the range and graph . Geog is studying 1080 ? I asked what is it but I just can't get it . English it's normal , a good girl like me always sits in the corner and read my book without noticing the time flies . I started to colour in my Art class it's kinda interesting but it's really hard to colour just without someone to talk to ...

I love M'sia 's school , people , language , building , conversation , shopping mall but I love NZ's whether , food , education and the way they manage the school ...

I miss the sweetness of McFlurry !

The Mcd here it's kinda weird ! the cone of it it's in triangle although the sundae it's almost the same but there's nothing like McFlurry . I wanted to eat an oreo McFlurry so badly !!!! The special McD about here it's there are pork/ bacon and they have frozen coke ! =)

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