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Monday, December 31, 2007

U all listen 'Don't cha before?? now change until like this,,,,haha

老闆 來碗60元的東區現實麵!!!!!
詞: 謝和弦(a Chord) 曲:很熟悉的夜店舞曲
編曲: 小蝦(康友韋) 吉他:a Chord
演唱: 小蝦.阿慶.和弦(B.B.CHORD音樂) "歌 詞"
[咦? 攪和咖麵館? ]
[咦? 進來坐啊 要 吃什麼?]
[嗯 老闆 我身上只有60塊 可以吃什麼啊? ]
[蛤? 只有60塊 你可能只能吃一種麵喔 ]
[啊 真的嗎?! 那有什麼麵可以吃 我好餓喔!]
[呵呵 讓我來跟您介紹一下 這一碗叫做 "東區現實面" ]
[啊 什麼什麼麵啊? 我怎麼沒聽過?]
(ok! 老闆 來碗60元的 東區現實麵 啊 催落去~)
三五六週末 半夜12點 經過台北東區熱鬧的大街
你會看到很多人 有男有女 有台有型
在路口徘徊女孩的短裙短到半遮不掩 男孩的眼神 掩不住那邪念
永無止盡 寂寞遊戲 在這罪惡城市 輪番上演

*東區 有很多瞎哥和辣妹 東區很多勢力眼和瞎妹 東區 東區 在東區

東區 有很多瞎哥和辣妹 東區很多勢力眼和瞎妹 東區 東區 在東區*

三五六週末 清晨五六點 買早餐經過東區的豆漿店
你會看到很多人 有男有女 互相拍背
嘔吐物滿堆女孩他愛你 只是愛你的錢
男孩他愛你 只想愛你一夜你會看到很多人
樂此不疲 甘願受騙 一遍又一遍

*東區 有很多瞎哥和辣妹 東區很多勢力眼和瞎妹 東區 東區 在東區

東區 有很多瞎哥和辣妹 東區很多勢力眼和瞎妹 東區 東區 在東區*

其實這首歌還有推展台北觀光的意思啦 哈 為您介紹台北的東區夜晚

還有 還有 不是教你現實 是教你看清事實!!!

你就把這首歌當成一篇文章看吧 !

Isn't fun??haha

身高長相跟歌唱技巧 我可能真的輸人家很多啦
但是白目白爛跟鬼點子創意 我有信心
可以一直源源不斷 哈
與其說 我們都是路人 不如說 我們都會走路
與其說 我們是過來人 不如說 我們都當過爛人.

this 歌詞is made by Chord....~!!


To day eat liao many things haha.....发泄~! go to my mum new shop keep things haha.......
haiz....sien de loh`!!

at home better.....can write bolg haha....


early in the morning my mum call me wake up... n go to her new shop to help her keep things....haha.....

then me n my sis juz wake up.....go help them loh`!!my cousin also got go..(the cousin mean is my 'yiyi' de daughter...)
haha....not my'kuku'
haiz.......we reach there at 11.30 then we keeps thing until 3:25...

then we go to lisuremall....

n eat >>

Haha i eat liao many many things haha........

this wan call 'shi chun dan dan mian' long leh this name... ubtil half juz take pic....haha....coz tat day very tired....

i got eat 1 more...... yammy lah`!!n we got eat xiao long bao..... so hugry hehe....

When we finish our lunch me n my mum go to cut hair...haha....

my hair so sort liao....sah~!! when i gel my hair my hair looks....LALA hehe.....when i dun gel looks sucx...haiz when i go to skul i also dunno how....

1st scare Kang loh`!

2nd will be scold haiz.....dunno how now haha.... mum also got cut she cut until my old hair style haha.....

so young.... mum looks like

LALA TOO....~!!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

素顏的愛 不需要上妝...this is real....

"素顏的愛 不需要上妝"

是在講 現在的男生 女生 大人 小孩 都越來越會化妝了
我發現啊 現在有太多太多的愛情 都被上了厚厚的妝 只因為要盲目的討好
膚淺的客套 卻遺忘了淡妝跟素顏其實是 最純真最乾淨的美好

愛來愛去的題材 雖然寫到爛了 唱到爛了 雖然很芭樂
但是細心去品嚐其中攝取的精華 他還是值得一口接著一口吃下去的"
你讓我的悲傷 笑的燦爛"我自以為 在愛情裡最幸福的事情 就是另一半
可以把你生活中所有的不快樂 都化為快樂
在愛情的世界裡 每個人都是彼此的魔術師

Juz like frien u can dun wan frien them but in LOVEno way......u wan love?
Then love bt muz be serious.....

So dun play play.....


today.....原本can go to 1 Utama wif my cousin de.......coz of her....~!!!haiz.....
dun wan say much.....
u all noe y coz my mum gif her only RM10 then she cry she say not enought...she ask my mum to gif her RM50 then my mum dun wan loh~!!!then she start to cry.....oh yah~!she also say my mum不讲道理 i think不讲道理de ppl is her lah`!!

haiz.....let her气死 like tat also can cry....haiz......害me so early wake up....n let me scold by my mum.....haiz...
i also dunno say she correct or good??~!!!
HELP`!!!Wat can i do??

Sien de one day....

Today my mum n my grandma go to sunway wif my 'kuku'hehe.....(dun think wrong)...there go there is wan to buy a dinner shirt..
on the way we go to Sunway my 'ah ma '.....only Talk talk talk talk sien de loh`!!!
when we reach there we all go to the steke ice there to find my 'kuku'n my cousin hehe........coz my bro wan to of coz no de lah~!!!
then my cousin dun wan de bt his mum call him to skate wif my bro n his sis....then me n my sis juz shop wif my grandma n my 'kuku'.....
then we alll go to asian....(i dunno call wat liao) the name of the shop i noe call东方贵zhu......
then my grandma buy liao i shirt gold colour de....~!!
then finish liao.....
my 'kuku' go to DOROTHY PERKINS buy liao some shirt me also buy liao 1 t-shirt....haha my sis also got buy 1 west......(dunno got spell wrong mah?)
then we show util 7:30 i go n call my bro n my cousin n eat dinnerthe rastoran name BBQ Plaza....
we eat then my grandma very fan she go n talk chiness to a maly.....haiz me very sien de ah`!!!
then finish our dinner,本来we wan to watch the alian Vs pi.....i 4get wat name liao.....
then there go shop JUSCO then we wan to follow loh`!!
haiz.....very 不爽liao......wan to follow n wan to listen to the old women talk talk talk....haiz.....sien de mah~!!!
then there finish shop liao....we juz go bac to home.......go bac home nvm my grandma still wan talk talk talk`!!!!
ah`!!!!!in the car who can help me....~!!!

then finnaly i can finish listen to the rubbish talk`!!!!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Sad~!! T_T.....


On tat day...around n my family go out for dinner then my sis wan to nuy shoe for she ask my dad go to buy...She very夸张校鞋也要buy ADDIDAS DE.....我都没有~!可是at last she also did't buy ADDIDAS de coz she say very贵so she did't buy.....but she go n buy Bata th way on the way we shopping my mum go n show a lot of shirt to me to buy 4 new year nut alll of tat i also dun like.... sad she scold me:I show u a lot of shirt u also dun wan ...then i say i wan de u also dun let...then she say i dun wan u wear coz de shirt...i say i dun like gurlz pink i think.....n very short de shoeder there meanthe hand there.....i dun like the last my bro nut liao1 pair of shoe n a boy so good no nid think wat shirt wan to wear next de~!!!i Hate my *I*~!!when my mum calling me to buy shirt she say.....a lot of rubbish...somthing like yah lor.....wear like like girl no nid die wan~!!
when i get homemy mum still scold sad...~!!!My sis 火上加油say the samething at the shopping mall...i noe y....i will like tat coz i think i'm not from the home de~!!







每天只知道上學 考試 分數 前10名來的重要跟意義也很開心的 看到很多朋友 把心中的不滿跟不爽 全打了出來很悶很鬱卒就是要說出來 不要在那邊ㄍ一ㄥ...

形象不會比快樂重要 面子不會比真實重要你想要保持真實 那你就要持真保實不管是對什麼人 對什麼事只要我們願意說出來~!

不管是在學校 家庭 愛情 友情如果你遇到了問題 碰到了瓶頸 又踢到了麻煩 甚至又撞到了牆壁(應該沒有人一次中那麼多啦~!)

如果剛好 身邊沒有人可以聽你訴苦 如果剛好 你不想跟身邊的朋友開口.....我想這社會還是有很多好人 願意提供你良好的建議跟意見的......

一樣的淚水 一樣的日子 一樣的我和你一樣......

時間已做了選擇 什麼人叫做朋友偶而碰頭 心情卻能一點就通因為我們曾有過 理想類似的生活太多感受 絕非三言兩語能形容可能有時我們顧慮太多 太多決定需要我們去選擇擔心會犯錯 難免會受挫 幸好一路上有你陪我與你分享的快樂 勝過獨自擁有 至今我仍深深感動好友如同一扇窗 能讓視野不同與你分享的快樂 勝過獨 讓世界變開闊.......

Buy liao....

Yesterday,i go popular buy liao 飛輪海 de new album双面飛輪海 haha so happy...

but got 'tiao jian de'......coz i use my mum de money......

haiz....sad......the tiao jian will start at afternoon....but also not yet noe wat is it~!!if i noe it i'll put it here....

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